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On Sunday, 2/26, more than 20 Pollinators met at the Flatbush Y for our third annual meeting to discuss projects and programs for the year ahead.  It was an enthusiastic and engaged gathering that started with a review of 2024’s many successes and a lively discussion about what the Pollinators might contribute to South Midwood’s ecosystem in 2025.


With our planning theme of sustainability, all who gathered were encouraged to remember that our current “success” list requires significant staffing by volunteers and leaders who are willing to take on new projects. Leadership is critical for a project’s approval. Several projects were discussed enthusiastically, but are currently without leaders:

  • Tree identification project for educating our neighbors about street tree species and benefits; leadership tentative.

  • Signage to identify SMP’s contribution to South Midwood, e.g., Glenwood Malls and Foster Avenue.

  • Lost knowledge: lectures about garden-related subjects, like species of plants, insect and bird that are at risk of disappearing.

Projects to be repeated in 2025 reflect our past successes. We will continue with Foster Avenue Rescue, Glenwood Mall maintenance and enhancement in spring and fall, care of street trees, and continuation of quarterly meetings. The Pollen Newsletter will continue to alert readers to opportunities for seminars and classes offered by NYC Parks, Brooklyn and New York Botanic Gardens, and other institutions focused on the environment.

The enthusiastic discussion about meetings—both frequency and subjects--confirmed that the Pollinators like to see each other. The proposed schedule for this year’s quarterly gatherings includes the just-past planning meeting (winter), a field trip to Greenwood Cemetery  and a South Midwood Garden gathering for learning about an eco-friendly gardening technique (both in the spring/summer months), and an autumn social gathering with SMRA. Learning more about organizing to reclaim green space is another subject of interest. Other ideas are always welcome.

Fundraising is an essential part of any nonprofit’s work, so SMP will be looking at opportunities to diversify its revenue stream, including outreach to foundations that support community gardens; an individual giving campaign tied to “adopt-a-plant” for neighborhood planting; and repeating the very successful bake sale in the fall and spring.

FINANCIAL REPORT: The Pollinators have healthy operating and reserve funds. Through excellent planning, stewardship, generosity, and able volunteers, we have always covered full project costs. Here’s a snapshot of our finances as we start a new year:

2024                Donations                    $2,506.70

                         Expenses*                     $1,871.74     

*Plants, materials, zoom, website

2025                Current balance        $2,127.05

                         Accounts payable     ($ 385.84)

                         Reserve fund             ($ 500.00)

                         Operating balance    $1,241.21

Looking back at 2024, we have every reason to be proud of our contribution to South Midwood. Last year’s highlights include:

Healthier Ecospaces

  • Foster Avenue Rescue: In the weeks prior to “project day,” nine trees were pruned; pavers were placed at the curbside of tree pits to prevent runoff; and five new tree guards were constructed. On project day, 14 volunteers cleaned and aerated tree pits, planted daffodil and grape hyacinth bulbs and 32 Liriope perennials.

  • Glenwood Malls: This year-round project includes regular mowing and watering during the spring and summer; trash clean up all year; plus, special Mall days when volunteers clean and plant. This year 60 perennials were added to the mall ends and pollinator, using funds from a grant by SMRA.

  • Street Trees:  Nearly 50 neighborhood trees were pruned in 2024, including requests from Community Board 14.  We continue to collaborate with NYC Parks on the Street Tree Habitat Project.

Engaged Pollinators

  • The Fourth Annual Ramble brought out 25 curious neighbors who toured local six gardens and ended with an exhibit of botanical drawings by Lucci Burgos and a cocktail party in Alexandra and Rich’s verdant backyard.

  • We met twice at Coffee Mob, in April learning about Trap-Neuter-Release as a population control strategy for feral cats and in September, simply enjoying Cocktails & Conversation with our colleagues from South Midwood Residents Association,

  • An August field trip to Battery Park City Gardens included both a garden tour and overview of the run-off  and flood control infrastructure project that is underway, as well as a mini lecture about BPC’s origins, governance, and funding

  • The second annual holiday sing in December drew 15 enthusiastic carollers who enjoyed warm-up beverages to start at Natasha’s and finished with more goodies at Jake’s.


  • Our third annual sidewalk sale raised approximately $1000  with a combination of donations from nine sellers and a fabulous bake sale of donated yummies that raised $210.

  • SMRA renewed its $500 grant for plantings on the Glenwood Malls.

  • Our first annual appeal raised $350 in individual donations from our own Pollinators.

  • Donations of plants, bulbs  and mulch were received from NYC Parks, Greenbelt Native Plant Center, Big ReUse, Daffodil Project, and  our fiscal sponsor, Green Guerillas, donated accounting and administrative support.

Based on our discussion, the Board will develop a calendar of meetings, project dates, and opportunities for gathering. Details will be announced.

Reminder: If you are interested in joining the Board of Directors, please contact Virginia Levie, Stephanie Blackwood, or Anne Dette. Or send an email to with subject line: Board Application.

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