Fall is coming and it's time to roll up your sleeves and turn your good intentions and climate anxiety into ACTION!
Fr 9/15/23 Post Sidewalk Sale Flyers in South Midwood. Contact Anne Dette via southmidwoodpollinators@gmail.com to volunteer.
Su 9/17/23 March to End Fossil Fuels in Manhattan. Pollinators meet up at 11:15 am at Newkirk Station, Alex Ross leading. For more information about the March, visit www.endfossilfuels.us or email Alex Ross via southmidwoodpollinators@gmail.com.
Sa 9/23/ 23 Sidewalk Sale Benefit Contact Anne Dette to volunteer to help on Friday and Saturday via southmidwoodpollinators@gmail.com.
Su 10/8/23 Tabling at Flatbush Food Coop as part of Sustainable Sunday. From 10 to 2, spread the good word about Leaf Bins and lead eco-centric child activities. Contact John Webber via southmidwoodpollinators@gmail.com to volunteer.
We 10/11/23 Bulb Bagging to prepare for our annual Fall Planting Day on Glenwood Malls. 4-6 pm at 528 E 23 St. Contact Virginia Levie at southmidwoodpollinators@gmail.com
Sa 10/14/23 Community Gardening Day on Glenwood Malls MANY volunteers needed to plant bulbs and staff the Information Table at this family-friendly annual event. 9am - 4 pm. Contact Virginia Levie at southmidwoodpollinators@gmail.com to volunteer.
Sa 11/11/23 Street Tree Love with Parks' TreeTLC truck. E24 between Farragut & Glenwood, 11:30 - 2:30. Contact Virginia Levie at southmidwoodpollinators@gmail.com