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Thank You, SMRA!!!

Updated: 2 days ago

The South Midwood Pollinators (SMP) volunteers and board extend our heartfelt gratitude for a generous $500 grant from the South Midwood Residents Association SMRA).

Our thanks to each of the Board members and to all SMRA members.  Your support, both last year and this year, has been vital to our efforts at transforming the Glenwood Malls into a thriving refuge for nature's pollinators.

This summer, SMP continued the naturalization of our distinctive Glenwood Malls by planting of  60 life-sustaining perennials. The 20 blue Nepeta (Catmint), 20 yellow Coreopsis (Tickseeds), and 20 magenta Monarda (Beebalm) made a stunning difference throughout the summer and will continue to bloom and grow for many years.

With SMRA's new contribution, we will continue to beautify the Malls while simultaneously supporting birds, bees, butterflies, and other essential pollinators.  

The South Midwood Pollinators deeply appreciate SMRA's continuing support of our commitment to the community's natural spaces.  We look forward to future collaborations that make South Midwood a sanctuary for pollinators and people.

Thank you again for your generosity and for believing in our vision!

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